Helpful Traits when Supporting a Griever
- Supportive, but not trying to fix the person
- About feelings
- Non active, not telling anyone what to do
- Admitting he/she can't make it better
- Not asking for something
or someone to change their feelings
- Not time limited
- Able to sit and tolerate silence and tears
- Able to sit and listen and
listen and listen
- Interested in the story the griever tells
Unhelpful Traits when with a Griever
- They want to fix the loss
- They are about our discomfort
- They are directive in nature
- They rationalize or try to
explain loss
- They may be judgemental
- Not
about the griever
- May minimize the loss
- May
compare or contrast the loss
- Put a time-line on loss and grief
- May share their own loss instead of listening to mine at this time (there is time for that in the future,
just not right now).